The physical and digital world intertwined in one? This is the FUTURE happening.
Our team had the honor of creating a website to promote Futuro Rio - an event about technology that showed that there are no boundaries between physical and digital.
With only 01 month left to start the event, we toowe received the mission to assume the communication of the brand.We were responsible for the elaboration of content to attract participants to the online event, in a work that involved our marketing, performance, movie and service teams, which together, obtained more than 1,000 registrations on the event platform, meaning a32% growthcompared to 2021.
This is Blend showing that the mix of our work makes yours grow!
Website + Content Creation + Performance + Lead Generation
Av. Emb. Abelardo Bueno, 3300 - Loja 107
Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
21 99555-8682
21 2421-8682